It’s been a couple/three or more months in the making, and it’s finally here! A custom designed Nautical Charts clothing collection specific to Ketchikan, Alaska, the home of Classic Alaska Charters and Captain Rob! The standard chart color is striking and universally recognized by mariners the world over, and the night colors of blue and black I wanted to include as cool choice. The RED colored shirt is a CAC original by Captain Rob as it is the night colors set on the navigation computers overnight as many guests will recognize. Another custom color combo is the black/gold, which is Captain Rob’s favorite colors…, and they look sharp together as well! Check out the CAC clothing collection today, here, now, at: Classic Alaska Charters Collection by TopDeckGear
What an awesome team to work with at Topdeckgear! The very best customer service, extraordinary energy and creativity to provide high quality clothing designed specifically towards the goals of the customer and solving the challenges of CAC having to stock product and take orders. Topdeckgear does it all! They’re spot on when I have questions or need customer support, and over the course of the development of launching the Classic Alaska Charters Collections, solidified faith and trust in their company, the team behind the scenes, and, the superb quality of the various materials and styles they offer! We’re also proud to have collaborated on offering ALL NEW COLORS found FIRST here in the Classic Alaska Charters Collections! Check it out! Also, the youth sizes are important because we have many families with younger kids wanting a chart they can wear and show their friends where in Alaska they were exploring, fishing, adventuring! HUGE shoutout to the Topdeckgear Team for all your hard work, long hours, and patience, making this happen! Thank you so much!